Friday, May 15, 2009

Traverse City Michigan

Well to be perfectly honest, I haven't traveled a lot lately. The last trip I took was to Traverse City Michigan. We went in March so there was about 5 feet of snow on the ground so the usual TC attractions like sunbathing, biking, boating, golfing etc were pretty much out of the question (we are not winter enthusiasts to say the least!) However casinos and eatting were definetly available!

For you casino buffs there are about 4 casinos in the TC area. We enjoyed them because they are the old fashion type casinos where you carry around "buckets o' money" or in our case NOT. Yea, we didnt win but had fun anyway!

TC has some wonderful restaurants. Boones is our favorite. If you have a GPS that would be helpful because it is in the middle of nowhere but a better steak and dining experience in Traverse City you will not find! There is even a haunted restaurant. On the Old Mission Pennisula you will find Bowers Harbor Inn. It used to be the home of a lumber baron whose ailing wife apparently commited suicide because her husband was having an affair with the nurse he hired to care for her. She is said to haunt the house/restaurant, especially near the womens restroom where the elevator shaft she hung herself from is located. The food and wine are topnotch and the whole "ghost thing" just adds to the atmosphere.

I would highly recommend TC for a northern Michigan getaway. The Cherry festival is a world renown highlight but book those rooms WELL in advance because it is a hugh festival! We stayed at the Pinereef resort which is right on Grand Traverse Bay. In the summer it would have been ideal because you walk out the backdoor and you are right on the beach. The State Park was right across the street for you camping fans.

Well for those of you who have never visited Travese City Michigan, I hope this gave you a little insight into what it has to offer. Its a beautiful city with wonderful people and lots to do.

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